Windows 10 Finally Leaves Windows 7 Behind

January 1, 2019

Achievement unlocked! A new year, a new success. Windows 10 has finally overtaken Windows 7 to become the world’s number one desktop operating system.

Figures provided by NetMarketShare reveal that the newest version of Windows now has a market share of 39.22%. This puts Windows 10 significantly ahead of Windows 7, which is in the runner-up position with a share of 36.90%.

Combined, the two operating systems are leading the charts with a total market share of 76.12%.

Meaning, nearly 8 in 10 PCs out there in the wild are running either Windows 10 or Windows 7, which definitely is good news for the software titan as it can focus on these two.

Improving Windows 10, while enticing Windows 7 users to upgrade to the latest version.

In terms of raw statistics, Redmond is still a while away from achieving its ambitious and optimistic goal of having the OS installed on more than 1 billion devices by the end of fiscal year 2017.

Windows 10 launched in July 2015, and though it missed that mark, it still is powering more than 700 million devices, the last time Microsoft made a count. Better yet, it is still steadily growing, as new and enhanced Windows 10 machines make their way to the market.

Getting back to the chart, macOS 10.14 is listed at 4.73%.

Windows XP and Windows 8.1 follow with 4.54% and 4.45% respectively.

Hard to imagine how this year goes for the Windows ecosystem. But unless Microsoft hits a hiccup with Windows 7 upgrades, it is very much certain that Windows 10 will massively increase its lead and solidify its position as the world’s most popular desktop OS.

Roll on 2019!

Article Categories:
Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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