Windows 7 Counters properly

March 2, 2018

Windows 7 arrived in less than a month, and although at the time of its reception has been good, as expected, critics have managed to spread some serious FUD on the latest operating system from Microsoft. So far, there have been two major examples, and both were quickly picked up by the blogosphere, well publicized and debated. We find it interesting that Redmond is not ignoring Windows 7 FUD, but in reality is that the struggle against the official blog of Windows.

The first example started when Sophos, a developer and supplier of software and hardware security, published a post entitled Windows vulnerable to 8 out of 10 virus last week. Here’s an excerpt.

We take only the next 10 samples that came to power SophosLabs to see how well the new, more secure version of Windows and UAC up. Unfortunately, despite claims from Microsoft, Windows 7 disappointed as previous versions of Windows. The good news is that cooler of the 10 samples that arrived, two do not work properly in Windows 7.

Sophos has not done anything wrong, per se, but enough damage that title. Microsoft Windows 7 was never intended solution to security problems, yet had no damage control had to be done. The Windows security blog is opposed to the blog post with a call Windows 7 Claims vulnerability and submit everything to do with Windows 7 and up. This is the conclusion, but we encourage you to read the whole post.

So while I’m not a fan of companies sensational conclusions about Windows 7 in order to sell more of their own software, however, agree with them that still needs to run anti-virus software on Windows 7 . So we made our offer Microsoft Security Essentials is available for free to customers. But it is equally important to keep all your software up to date via automatic updates, or through the Windows Update service. By configuring their computers to automatically download and install the updates that will help ensure you have the highest level of protection against malware and other vulnerabilities.

The second story FUD came earlier this week, courtesy of an interview by PCR titled new vision of Microsoft. The quote that people could not wrap their heads around wine manager at Microsoft, a member of the group, Simon Aldous: “What we’ve tried to do with Win 7 – whether in traditional or in a tactile format is to create an appearance of Mac and feel in terms of graphics. We have significantly improved graphical user interface, but is built on technology that stable base of Vista, which is much more stable than the current Mac platform, for example. ” For more information,visit

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