Windows 7 Just Keeps On Growing And Growing And Growing

April 1, 2015

Windows 7 is currently the most popular operating system in the world, on the desktop side if nothing else, but the platform still keeps adding new users on a regular basis.

Even with solutions like Windows 8 available and Windows 10 on the horizon.

The question that is being asked here is will Windows 7 continue to rule the desktop world, even after the release of Microsoft new operating system? Will the platform have long legs like Windows XP, or will the launch of Windows 10 sway users to the latest version?

We’ll obviously have to wait a while for the full answer.

But as Net Applications reveal in their latest chart for March 2015, the world’s most popular operating system added a whole bunch of new users this past month — a whole bunch indeed.

Net Applications Windows 7 March 2015

In fact, the ascendency has been going on for a while now as you can see above.

Windows 7 started the year with an estimated share of 55.92%, but ended the first quarter at 58.04% a steady increase of a couple of percentage points. Overall, the platform has increased its market share by nearly 8 points in the last 10 months.

And this is a trend that is likely to continue into the near future.

Microsoft simply needs to pitch Windows 10 to these users once the new version is ready for release, and convince them to deploy the modern operating system in the first few months to really kick start the Windows 10 drive.

Because, really, with support for Windows 7 ending in 2020, the last thing Redmond need is another Windows XP scenario at hand.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Strategy · Windows 7

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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