“Find content that interests you! Whether it’s funny pictures, insightful commentary, news, interviews with celebrities, or a specific community, Reddit has it all! ReddHub gives you the full richness of Reddit, within a seamless Windows 8 experience! Browse and discover new content, engage with other people in the community, find insightful commentary, download pictures and content, and much more on Reddit! Reddit ReddHub is your fully featured Reddit client!” Where this app really shines is the sleek user interface — the screen is divided into three parts. The left sidebar is a way to browse the different subreddits, sign in and out, access the inbox. You can also search the website from here easily. The second sidebar displays the threads, along with information like title, source, number of comments and points, and all that. And finally the large area on the right serves up the currently selected thread. But the features list of this free app does not end here. There are options to zoom in and out, vote, post comments, even download images, basically everything you could have asked for. This first version took 8 months to develop, and the effort shows. Download this if you are on Windows and have anything to do with Reddit. For x86, x64 and ARM. Click here to check out Reddit ReddHubV2 on the Windows Store.]]>
All Comments
Looks like a great app to me. Thanks for posting this, because i’m a big reddit fan and had no idea this app was available. I’ll definitely be downloading it.