Windows 8.1 Camera App Said To Offer Support For 3D

May 6, 2013

Makes one wonder how the world got by when there was no 3D. But nevertheless, a juicy new rumor seems to suggest this improvement in the integrated camera app in the next version of Windows.

More specifically, Microsoft has included Photosynth support to take 3D photos.

The evidence has been unearthed by, and the report suggests that Photosynth integration has been found in one of the recently leaked builds of Windows Blue (or Windows 8.1). This could possibly mean that Redmond is at least thinking of including such a feature.

For the uninitiated, Photosynth offers the ability to capture and view 3D images, along with options to share creations on Facebook, Bing or publish them on websites. It is a software application developed by Microsoft Live Labs, and offers two styles of 3D experiences, namely panoramas and synths.

You can find out more about Photosynth on its official website.

No specific details are available at the time being, but the inclusion of a feature like this makes perfect sense, at least on tablets and mobile devices — and there are bound to be a fair few of these on the market later in the year.

Microsoft is all set to unleash a new Surface model in a few months’ time, to go with several mobile devices from other hardware vendors.

But for now, this promises to be an interesting new development and if such a feature is indeed planned for Windows 8.1, expect Redmond to offer more details on this next month at the public beta of the upcoming operating system.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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