Windows 8 Is Now The Third Most Used Operating System On Steam

May 2, 2013

It is no secret that gamers absolutely adore the latest and greatest in technology. By the same token it should come as no surprise that they are the quickest to adopt Windows 8.

Steam is the largest PC gaming platform currently around, and its hardware survey page is a matter of sustained interest amongst technology enthusiasts.

And while market researchers like Net Applications and StatCounter show Windows 8 is only making slight gains in the overall scheme of things, hardcore PC gamers (and regular ones too) that have signed up for Valve’s Steam platform are quite openhearted to Windows 8.

The briefest of glances at the hardware survey page shows that for the month of April, Windows 8 increased its share on Steam by almost a full percentage point — both versions when combined amount to 11.65 percent of Steam users running Windows 8.

The corresponding figure for the month of March was 10.67 percent.

Windows 7 expectedly topped the list for the past month with 67.57 percent, although down from its share of 68.51 percent of the pie back in March.

There is still a substantial amount of users that are on Windows XP, though they are slowly moving away from the vintage operating system. XP clocked in at 8.63 percent last month, down from the 8.72 percent it registered in the third month of this year.

Mac OS X and Linux users also made up some small percentage points, though operating systems based on Linux that access Steam only made up a 1.56 percent share, down from 1.69 percent in March.

Same is the case for Mac OS X — it currently stands at 3.4 percent, also down from 3.67 percent a month back.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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