Windows 8 user scenario 1: Startup time

November 22, 2010

This is the first in a series of posts I will be calling Windows 8 user scenarios.

The idea is, I will write about a possible scenario and how I see Windows 8 playing in it. You get to say yay or nay in the comments section (this is a blog after all)

The first one is PC startup time.

Here’s how this should play.

  • A user sits down in front of his or her Windows 8 PC
  • They turn on the computer
  • No more than 10 seconds later (possibly faster) they have a username and password prompt on the screen.
  • They type in their username and password and are taken immediately into the primary OS
    • Primary OS: Everything a user will need to get started – Browser, Office Suite, Mail, Notepad and 2 or 3 selected applications: These load immediately.
    • Secondary OS: Everything else.
  • The rest of the apps load with the Secondary OS in the background over time.

Note to Windows 8 Development Team!

It’s time for Microsoft to build an intelligent operating system. If I have been on my operating system and havent used a feature in 3 months, maybe it shouldn’t be loaded into memory at startup.

Maybe services that dont get used within 2 weeks should be automatically shut down and the operating system should be continuously learning about what it’s owner is doing?

If most people check email, use a browser and Microsoft Office, maybe my PC should 100% be dedicated to optimizing those 3 programs?

What do you guys think?

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  • i think so too. i think that all services should be set to run by demand by default, and as time runs, the OS will conclude which services are to be pre-loaded per boot for the future .
    i also wish that the registry would stop from being used by any other program other than the OS (and only the OS ) itself. if a program needs to store settings, it can be saved via a file , preferably on the installation folder of the program . also, installation and uninstallation should be as easy as possible, yet for the uninstallation it will always ask for removal of settings and also will always clean everything that the program has done via the installation .
    for programs that wish to use the registry for their settings , the OS can make a registry file that goes with the installed program , so the real registry won’t be affected .
    this means: no more junk files,junk registry , faster boot, shorter running of applications , modularity , security (since the user will be prompt for real accessing to the registry of the OS,when really really needed, such as needing to tweak something in the OS) and as a bonus – portability .

    Oneb5f0eb7583c5 November 30, 2010 12:18 pm Reply
  • Sounds like a very good, I would definitely hope that they integrate this in windows 8.

    xinu March 13, 2011 3:13 pm Reply
  • I don’t think they’ll put this in windows 8, if they want to get it out on time they don’t have…time.  Maybe they can do this in SP1 or Windows 9.  It is a good idea though, I’m surprised they haven’t done this a long time ago.

    Robert Kegel April 8, 2012 4:31 pm Reply
  • I think this should be implemented on Windows 8. People nowadays are expecting more intelligent and powerful operating system with less resource consumption. so this should be a good idea.

    Shankar Narayanan SGS April 13, 2012 12:59 am Reply

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