Windows Blue Is Made With Intel Haswell Chips In Mind

March 25, 2013

This may not be all that stunning for the technology enthusiasts amongst you, but it is nice to get a bit of a confirmation, nevertheless. The upcoming Windows Blue contains several enhancements that target Intel’s Haswell platform.

A recent unofficial report that popped up at CNET details that along with several other improvements, Windows Blue will bring longer battery life to laptops and ultrabooks running Intel’s upcoming Haswell processors.

Intel is set to release a new CPU architecture under the codename Haswell, sometimes in June.

An anonymous source close to Microsoft said that the software titan is developing a power model that can adapt to a range of mobile computers with shall we say, different performance output:

“You’ll be able to buy an ultrabook that’s as wickedly fast as you can imagine, faster than an [Intel Core i 3000-series”] ‘Ivy Bridge’ PC. But with longer battery life. It will sleep longer [and] when you open the lid, your mail’s going to already be in sync. So, you’ll get the best of all of those worlds. And that’s work that’s coming in [Windows] Blue.”

Intel has been talking about the Haswell architecture for a while now, particularly the improvements in power efficiency the forthcoming Core i 4000-series of microprocessors are set to bring. For example, the chip giant promised 10-days of connected standby battery life for some Haswell notebooks.

But it is clear now that a lot of the improvements come not just from the hardware side of things, but from the software too — software in this case implies the Windows Blue operating system.

Nevertheless, mobility is the next big frontier, and both Microsoft and Intel, though late to the game, are giving due attention to impressive performance at efficient battery times.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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