Windows Live Messenger integration
Text, audio and video chatting with friends
Multiplayer gameplay
Video services to stream videos online
Bing search engine music streaming
Achievement points for completed games
Virtual avatar
Friends list with which you play games
Windows 8 features a tight integration with Xbox Live service.
You can buy music, video and games from Xbox Live Marketplace directly, using the new Modern-styled apps bundles with Windows 8.
You buy music through the Music app, videos through Video app, and games through Xbox Live Games app.
Xbox LIVE Games
This Modern-styled app provides the gaming services of Xbox Live.
You can view game trailers in the app. Also, you can buy a game directly through the app.
Besides that, you can customize your avatar and manage other account settings.
How to Launch
- Invoke the Start Screen by hitting Windows Key.
- Search for the “Xbox Live Games” app tile. Clicking it will launch the app.
As an alternative, type “Xbox Live Games” on the Start Screen. The app will come up in the search result list. Clicking it will launch the app.
The welcome screen shows your avatar and profile details. If you scroll horizontally, you can further see games listed from Marketplace.]]>